Natural Nutrition & Gut Health

"Our food should be our medicine, and our medicine should be our food." (Hippocrates)

What is Natural Nutrition?

Natural Nutrition sits somewhere between Nutritional Therapy and Naturopathy. The new buzz word is 'Functional Nutrition' which uses elements of both, backed by allopathic screening, supplement prescriptions and interventions to correct perceived imbalance. We live in a material world and are conditioned to seek proof and measurable outcomes - we are conditioned to 'know our number'! This is the realm of medical science and it's reductionist approach. A perfect example is the menopause industry, which is based on a lack of oestrogen. Equally the supplement industry which relies on the concept of lack. What if we looked at it differently? What if the body in it's wisdom is in a state of flux: working to maintain the ebb and flow; yin and yang; peak and trough of mineral and vitamin levels. From this viewpoint, a measurement is always going to be a snapshot in time.

When I studied Natural Nutrition in 2008, the visionary Principal shared with us the ‘push-pull’ of the mineral levels in each cell, organ and bodily system, and that every cell and organ has it’s own circadian rhythm. Now that's smart! When we make space for the body to cleanse using internal hygiene techniques, the circadian rhythms are restored and the body can do what’s it’s designed to do - maintain homeostasis and the correct charge on the cell membranes to enable the push-pull. This is what medical science is now promoting, over 15 years later.

It all starts in the gut, or microbiome. Gut health is essential to overall health and immunity so a consultation will always begin with this, and specialist homeopathic remedies to help heal the microbiome. While supplements are often seen to be the modern day panacea, I do not rely heavily on them because absorbability is vital. If your body is clogged and stagnant, no amount of supplements will correct a problem, rather, it will add to the problem.

Moreover, no amount of supplements will replace a poor lifestyle. We need to get out into daylight daily, to enable our body's circadian rhythms to function, and maintains it's own cleansing, degenerative and regenerative processes. This is why insomnia and night shift work have such an impact on general health - it disables our body's body clock, and self-cleansing and healing processes. You can read more on how to restore natural sleep here.

That's how intelligent the body is. Do you really think the answer's in a tub of high street supplements? Or via the latest app? Nah!

It's time to do it differently.

Internal Hygiene

While studying at the College of Natural Nutrition, I learned that the cornerstone of health is to help the body maintain it's internal hygiene, for which it needs space to create internal movement, at a bodily system, organ and cellular level.

Factors that prevent internal movement, and create stagnation, are lifestyle choices, medication, stimulants, recreational drugs, a diet heavy in sugar, processed foods, dehydration and unhelpful thoughts. We are designed to be omnivores and I am not a fan of exclusion diets. I believe a little of everything, is OK, despite societal trends. What is important is the quality of our food and its nutritional content, so opt for organic where you can.

A consultation will include naturopathic techniques to create space to enable your body to heal. These techniques are gentle and effective, and can be used by people at home with a little knowledge. This knowledge has simply been forgotten and replaced by the commercial medicine model which relies on repeat business. There is no money to be made from healthy people who know how to heal themselves. The latest silver bullet comes with a big price tag, in more ways than one.

It's time to do it differently.

The Consultation & Treatment

After taking a case history, I will suggest gut health remedies, bespoke dietary changes, homeopathic remedies and, possibly, naturopathic techniques to help create that movement your body needs to achieve ease and wellbeing. I usually recommend a monthly consultation over 3 months to achieve and maintain change.

"Everything you eat either fights disease or feeds it. Choose wisely." (author unknown)

Contact me today and begin your journey to wellness.

Plan B Natural Health. Because Plan A doesn't always work.